Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



The third day of school starts in six hours and four minutes.

So far, I'm just taking joy in all the things happened at school. From the teachers, classmates, to my schedule, everything is just so far.
Well, at least nothing is bad.
The only thing I have to complain about is the's just too hot! But I have air
conditioning at home so I shouldn't whine.

Today(yesterday)I was being
neither productive nor efficient, I guess I will never be even though I should but augh.

Maybe I will try, at least.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Summer is ending soon, but my summer life has just started!

Today I got to make two wishes, because I had two cakes! (even though only one cake had candles but still, thanks guys) I've never wished something like this before, but I really hope these wishes will come true.

Somehow I can't wait until school begins, I always love those new starts! But I know it's not going to be much different from other years...and we will get used to it pretty soon. But I just want to try out my new's kind of amazing, in some ways. Hopefully I can actually focus on what I really need to accomplish this year and not my other interests. Only if I can have the determination to just persist in studying...then I can look back and be proud of my choices, and not to cry over the spilled milk.

Ah, I hope this is going to be a great year.

And happy birthday to myself.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I still remember how I believed that it was unforgivable. I never understood why people do things like this. But now I know, I've become one of them.

And now I don't even care.

It couldn't be helped, could it?
Just imagine what kind of life I will have if none of this has happened to me; where and who will I be at this very instant? I cannot imagine a life otherwise, even when I hope that I could be another person who's not a complete failure like I am.